Get Mortgage Free & Retirement Ready in 10-years (or less!) With enableMe's Seminar Series

Wednesday 26 February 2020, 1:51PM

By Beckie Wright


The oft-quoted definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. enableMe’s founder, Hannah McQueen says that’s the same thing as continuing to work harder and harder, and having no progress, or little progress to show for it. As Hannah says, “If that’s you, then we need to talk, especially if you’re on track to pay your mortgage off over 20 or 30 years, or if your retirement is less than 15 years’ away”.

Hannah is inviting anyone in this situation to come along to one of her seminars, where she will show you how to get mortgage-free fast, grow your wealth, sort your retirement and get in control. Most importantly, you will learn to make the progress you deserve. As Hannah says, “If you’re ready for better, I look forward to seeing you there”.

enableMe’s Seminar Series is touring the country during February and March, or there is the option of a live webinar, so you can get the benefit of the seminar no matter where you live. So please see below for locations, dates and times.

New Plymouth Thursday 20th February, 12.30 and 5.30.

Dunedin Tuesday 25th February, 12.30 and 5.30.

Christchurch Wednesday 26th February, 12.30 and 5.30.

Mount Maunganui Thursday 5th March, 6pm.

Rotorua Friday 6th March, 12.30.

Takapuna (Auckland) Tuesday 10th March, 6pm.

Wellington Thursday 12th March, 12pm.

Wellington Thursday 12th March, 5.30.

Botany (Auckland) Tuesday 17th March, 6.30.

Parnell (Auckland) Thursday 19th March, 6pm.

Live Webinar Tuesday 24th March, 7pm.

Book now to avoid disappointment, and for more information on financial consultants, financial advisors and mortgage advisors please visit the website at .