Dream Au Pair an Established Placement Agency in New Zealand with 15 Years of Excellence

Monday 2 March 2020, 7:53PM

By Beckie Wright


Established in 2006, Dream Au Pair is celebrating its 15th year as one of the most reputable and established placement agencies for Au Pairs NZ wide. Through continued growth and investment in an expansive network of support options, Dream Au Pair now successfully places approximately 500 Au Pairs in New Zealand every year.

Dream Au Pair’s success is evidenced by the support and training they offer new and experienced Au Pairs alike. Every Au Pair placed in New Zealand enjoys a 2-day orientation training retreat upon arrival, where they will meet other newly arrived Au Pairs, complete a child first-aid course, set up their bank accounts, get help registering their New Zealand SIM cards, and even receive a driving lesson.

15 years of growth and expansion have allowed Dream Au Pair to offer more tools and support to their Au Pairs than other placement agencies around the country, and the benefits available to their Au Pairs last well beyond their orientation training for the full duration of their placement in New Zealand. Au Pairs can take advantage of organised Coffee Groups, special events, and travel discounts, as well as 24/7 emergency support, a 3-day emergency bed, and even mediation and re-match if a placement doesn’t prove to be a compatible fit. For Au Pairs living and working in a new country, the support available through an established placement agency could be the difference a positive and negative experience.

Additionally, Dream Au Pair has been licensed with the Ministry of Education to offer their Dream Education Programme—home-based education programmes for preschool children.

To learn more about the support and training available through Dream Au Pair, click here: