How Can Greenlion Help NZ Businesses Impacted by COVID-19?

Thursday 21 May 2020, 9:23PM

By Beckie Wright


Greenlion has been approved to provide finance and cashflow management and business continuity planning services under NZTE’s COVID-19 support programme, with the Government recently announcing funding, of $25m, for New Zealand businesses impacted by COVID-19.  

The funds are administered through the NZTE via the Regional Business Partner Network nationwide and are marked as COVID-19 Business Consultancy/Advisory Funding. Companies can apply for up to $5,000 in funding to access business advisors who can provide advice and expertise in finance and cashflow management, business to continuity planning, HR and health and wellness.   

However, businesses must be able to demonstrate that they are an employer operating in a commercial environment, they are registered for GST in New Zealand, their business was generally sound prior to COVID-19’s impact on the economy and that the COVID-19 crisis is affecting their business and they have undergone an assessment with a Regional Partner Growth Advisor.

If you would like to explore this please register your business with the Regional Business Partner Platform here. Once registered, you will need to confirm your email address. You will then get an approval in a few days with a link to a survey on your business, and if you would like help to complete this survey please contact your Greenlion Advisor who can walk you through the application process or forward the email through to and one of their Advisors can complete this on your behalf. Please ensure in question 9 you put Greenlion Limited as your preferred provider so your approval flows through to them to complete.  

Greenlion recommend that you plan now for what level 2 will mean for your business. Can you reopen? Can you make changes or reconfigure your business so you can operate?  Can you change how you deliver your product or services? Do you have suitable contact tracing systems within your business? 

Greenlion are seeing innovation and new ideas as their clients prepare for Alert Level 2. They invite you to call them if you wish to talk through what this may look like for your business, and for more information on accounting firms Auckland, business consulting firms and financial consultants please go to .