Dil's Know the Importance of Gathering Together For a Funeral

Sunday 24 May 2020, 4:49PM

By Beckie Wright


The Government has backed down on rules under alert level 2 only allowing 10 people at funeral and tangi. Health Minister David Clark has announced that up to 50 people can farewell their loved ones as long as long as the Ministry of Health is satisfied that a range of public health measures can consistently be met.

The Government came under increasing pressure since announcing that restaurants and sports events could have up to 100 people, but funerals and places of worship would remain restricted to 10 as under Level 2. However, due to widespread acknowledgement of how vital it is for families to be able to gather and support each other when a loved one dies, funeral gatherings of up to 50 people are now permitted, provided certain requirements are met.

Dil’s strongly believe in the value to the community of holding a funeral, and will work closely with you to ensure the funeral is a meaningful opportunity to farewell your loved one, as well as meeting the obligations under the alert Level 2 guidelines.

The service can include all the elements of a regular funeral such as music, photo tributes, service sheets, speakers etc; the service can be livestreamed for those unable to attend; a burial or cremation can take place following.

However, Level 2 has some additional requirements:

The funeral should be a private, by-invitation event rather than publicly advertised.

Dil’s will ask you to provide the contact details for up to 50 attendees 48 hours prior to the service.

Anyone who is unwell should not attend.

Those attending should follow the physical distancing and hygiene guidelines we are all becoming very familiar with.

A reception following the service can be held but groups of people will need to remain physically separate from each other.

A funeral can be delayed until the alert level reduces.

Dil’s can embalm your loved one now and take care of them until a larger funeral followed by burial or cremation can be held.

Dil’s will work with you during the interim period to plan the funeral for a later date, and for more information on funeral service options, eco friendly caskets and eco funerals please go to .