Butterfly conference open to all

Monday 7 January 2008, 9:52PM

By Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust



The butterfly conference to be held in Russell in two weeks is not just for Monarch lovers.

"It's about protecting our biodiversity," said Jacqui Knight, the chief organiser. "When we encourage and study Monarch butterflies, we realise that there's a multitude of life in our gardens and surroundings that is upset by our interference.

Jacqui blames developers who destroy wild spaces, and the indiscriminate use of pesticides, for the shortage of some of our butterflies.

"Look at Kahukura, the Red Admiral. It was here before any of us, and is considered to be one of the most beautiful Admirals in the world, but you just don't find it in Northland any more."

"We need to be more respectful of our insect life - after all more than 50% of the world's wildlife is made up of insects. When we try and exterminate one species, we throw eerything out of balance."

She said that butterflies are excellent indicators as to the health of the environment.

"At our conference we'll be learning how to design our gardens to encourage more wildlife. We'll learn how to identify our different buttefleis and moths. And environmental educators will teach us crafts that we can then pass on to our children and others."

Information about the conference can be found on their website,, or phone 09 403 8543.