Ways To Maximise Efficiency And Profits In Your Business With Bartercard

Sunday 31 October 2021, 4:45PM

By Beckie Wright


For all of you out there who may be struggling during these challenging times, dealing with different alert levels, Bartercard say, “It’s the little things that count”. They advocate focusing on improving efficiencies, as a way to increase profits in your business. 

Bear in mind there are plenty of ways to increase your profits that your business might not be taking advantage of at the present, so before you go anywhere else, be sure you have reaped the benefits of Bartercard’s easy ways to increase profits. If you own a smaller business you can start by putting your best staff on the most profitable tasks. If you have a new business, your best performers will excel at building your brand image, thereby bringing new customers on board.  

For a larger business, it could be looking at all your price points to increase your margins. Or, it could even be looking at your internal structure and figuring out how to maintain the same level of profitability for less expense. Either way, you’re going to want to have your best-performing people on that job. 

We all know that getting new customers is vital, but the best way to increase your sales is to market to your existing customers. You could try creating bundles of existing products to create higher-value options without having to do too much. If it’s services you offer, create tiered levels of these services with more features available for higher prices and aggressively market the premium services to your basic customers. 

An online presence is vitally important in today’s climate, so you need to take advantage of all the main social media channels, including Facebook. Instagram, and LinkedIn, and you need a good website with an active SEO strategy.  Similarly, you need customers to help with good reviews, and bloggers and influencers to talk about your products to extent your digital footprint.  

Smaller businesses can all benefit from joining a business network which will connect SME’s to give them the same opportunities and resources as larger firms. This is where Bartercard comes in, and in addition it contains a bartering scheme where you can sell excess capacity to other companies in the network. This system directly provides you new opportunities to sell and find value that you didn’t have before. 

By trading your excess business capacity with tens of thousands of like-minded businesses from New Zealand and around the world, you’ll get new opportunities to bring back real value that you never had before, so with this in mind, please take a moment to find out more about profit increase, increasing business profits and Bartercard mobile apps by visiting the website at .