Get a New Real Estate Agent If You Spot Any of these Red Flags

Wednesday 26 January 2022, 5:40PM

By Premium SEO NZ



As a seller, you might not believe that an estate agent’s role is entirely redundant, but you may still hold that all real estate agents Christchurch provide basically the same service; the key is to just find the one who’ll take the lowest commission. You’d be sorely mistaken in this belief, however, as not all agents provide the same level of service, and you can get into all kinds of difficulties if you hire the wrong one. With that in mind, look out for the following red flags.

Low commission

Although not always a red flag, as there are some reputable agencies and agents who cap their commission at a low rate, you’ll still want to do due diligence here. If an agent is willing to work at a reduced commission right out the gate, you must ask yourself if that’s just business savvy, or if it’s an indication that they’ll also be providing poor service.

Poor communication

If you’re having difficulty getting hold of your agent, chances are potential buyers are too. That means less positive interaction regarding your property and a slower sales turnaround. It could also indicate other unprofessional attributes like tardiness, poor negotiation skills, or a lacklustre attitude towards putting in the necessary effort to make the sale.

Poor area knowledge

To get the best price for your property, you need a qualified agent who has clear knowledge of current market trends, buyer expectations, and best marketing approaches. If your agent can’t provide you with clear trends data or area specifics, or incorrectly evaluates your home as too high or too low, it might be time to move on to someone else.

Selling a home is already stressful, so the last thing you want is to miss one of these red flags.