InternetNZ distributes latest grants towards an Internet that benefits Aotearoa
InternetNZ has announced the 25 recipients of its latest 2022/23 grant round. The grantees received up to $10,000 each to undertake work on enhancing the Internet for all New Zealanders.
InternetNZ Community Manager Kris Dempster-Rivett is excited that the organisation can help empower communities working on issues such as digital equity, mis/disinformation and online extremism."
I congratulate the recent grant recipients," he said. "InternetNZ received more than 50 excellent applications. It’s our privilege to support 25 projects and help each recipient to make meaningful contributions to our digital society."
Some of the recipients have already begun putting their grants to use and others will be doing so as the year progresses. Dempster-Rivett believes that the broad scope of topics covered will benefit all Internet users in New Zealand, and help those who aren’t connected get online.
"InternetNZ has distributed $3.5m in the last three years towards digital equity and making the Internet better," he said."With the rising tide of harmful mis/disinformation and hateful material online, InternetNZ is turning its focus towards ensuring a better Internet for all Aotearoa. It sees the best solutions as those designed by and for the people. Communities know what works for them."
This grant round prioritised applications by tangata whenua (individuals or organisations that can identify their Māori whakapapa) and applications from groups who support and are led by Pasifika peoples, migrants and refugees, faith-based communities, the Rainbow community and gender minorities, and people with disabilities.
The full list of grant recipients can be found on the Ipurangi Aotearoa | InternetNZ website.
Applications for InternetNZ 2023/24 grants will open later this year.