Maritime NZ Responds to Mayday Call from Singaporean Cargo Vessel Shiling
Maritime NZ’s RCCNZ is responding to a Mayday request from the Singaporean cargo vessel the Shiling.
It put out the Mayday call about 11 am, 12 May. It initially put a request through for assistance at 8.27 am.
The vessel is situated 22 nautical miles North North-West of Farewell Spit.
RCCNZ is communicating with the vessel.
An ocean going tug out of Taranaki has dispatched to tow the vessel to a safe location. It is expected to be on at the location of the Shiling by 4 PM, 12 May (today).
Due to where the vessel is, there is no risk of it running aground prior to the arrival of the ocean going tug.
There is 24 crew on-board.
Maritime NZ’s Rescue Coordination Centre NZ has placed assets from NZ Police, Coastguard, and St John Airdesk on standby and will be tasking the assets as required.