Maritime NZ issues a detention notice on MV Shiling

Maritime New Zealand

Thursday 1 June 2023, 11:27AM

By Maritime New Zealand



A detention notice has been issued by Maritime NZ on the vessel, Shiling.

The ship is currently at Wellington’s CentrePort.

The detention of the vessel prohibits it from leaving Wellington Harbour until a number of conditions are satisfied.

The imposed conditions relate to repairs and maintenance, seaworthiness, sea trials, and arrangements for departure.

These conditions are in place to ensure safety is at the forefront of the next journey the vessel undertakes through New Zealand waters.

Several of the conditions will require the flag state and the vessel’s classification society to provide evidence to Maritime NZ confirming that the Shiling can safely operate, before it can be released.

The notice of detention does not stop the vessel from being moved to different berths or locations around CentrePort or the harbour. This will be managed by the port in conjunction with the Wellington Harbourmaster.

The owners of Shiling are responsible to ensure the conditions imposed by Maritime NZ are satisfied prior to the vessel being released from detention.