Five new Kiwi short plays coming to BATS this September
5 Slices of Another Life, directed by Jo Marsh, will debut it's development season this September 21 - 24 at BATS Theatre.
Two women wait to be rescued from a burning building. Another finds salvation in a box of chickens. Things get awkward in a cafe. A detective investigates himself, and a blind seer delivers one last prophecy…
The Magnificent Weirdos is delighted to present five brand new works written by and featuring disabled and neurodiverse folk. Ranging from drama to comedy to mythological farce, these are not your average disability stories of hardship and woe. With equal parts heart and humour, these plays will resonate with disabled and able-bodied audiences alike. The development of these works through rehearsal and editing will bring a highly polished, professional production to the BATS stage.
“The joy of allowing all our disabilities to be shown, not only onstage but also within the rehearsal room, with zero judgement, has been both rewarding and, quite frankly, a relief. The cast and crew alike are able to create such amazing mahi with their abilities being listened to, understood and catered for.” director Jo Marsh says,
“Many disabled performers do not even get the opportunity to audition for a role, let alone be considered to play multiple roles, over such vast depths of situations as are presented in each play.”
Each play offers a unique insight to the challenges faced by our community through humour, absurdity and storytelling.
A core part of The Magnificent Weirdos kaupapa is to keep access and inclusion at the heart of making art for both practitioners and punters alike.
This development season was created keeping in mind rehearsal room access, rehearsing schedules led by the needs of the cast and crew, NZSL and Audio described performances, accessible venues, and how to work in non-traditional ways to allow for the best possible experience for all involved.
5 Slices of Another Life - development season is on for four shows only from September 21-24 at BATS Theatre.
This development season has been made possible with support from Creative New Zealand, Wellington City Council and National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
5 Slices of Another Life - development season
BATS Theatre
Sept 21-22, 7pm NZSL
Sept 23, 7pm Audio Described (Touch Tour 6.30pm)
Sept 24, 4pm Audio Described, Relaxed Performance
Tickets $8-$40
Directed by Jo Marsh
Presented by The Magnificent Weirdos
Written by Henrietta Bollinger, Hamish Boyle, Helen Vivienne Fletcher, Steff Green and Angela Pope
Performed by (L to R)) Helen Vivienne Fletcher, Hamish Boyle, Henrietta Bollinger, Shaun Swain, Dane Isherwood, Susan Williams and Hilary Norris