Andrew Coster has lost the plot

New Zealand Taxpayers' Union

Wednesday 25 September 2024, 9:56AM

By New Zealand Taxpayers' Union


Political pundits across the country spat out their coffee this morning upon turning to the NZ Herald's front page splash that Andrew Coster "speaks out on being dragged into political debate".

"Andrew Coster is either trolling the nation or has the self awareness of a paperclip," said Jordan Williams of the Taxpayers' Union.

"Coster has overseen an enormous pivot by the NZ Police towards politics and advocacy. Back in June, the Police Commissioner's alter-ego, one Andrew Coster, was doing media rounds advocating for the Government to change alcohol regulations."

"For someone now crying tears about being 'dragged into political debates', it is weird that he was literally leading Morning Report just a few months ago in advocating for minimum pricing of alcohol."

At the time, the Taxpayers' Union labelled Coster 'a constitutional barbarian' in that he was blatantly ignoring the long-held constitutional convention that Police - especially leadership - enforce the law, not lobby to change it.

"Coster has given the middle finger to the conventions he was supposed to protect. No wonder the new Government hasn't been able to express confidence in him."

"It is a sad reflection on New Zealand and our public sector that the only way the Government has been able to move Coster along, is to park him in a cushy job in another government department. His lack of judgement shows he should be no where near a leadership role. Cabinet Ministers know that but have gone along with yet another fudge orchestrated by the Public Services Commission.  For those that want our public service to succeed, it is deeply depressing."