Fluoridation's "benefit" trivial if it even exists – latest review concludes

Fluoride Free New Zealand

Sunday 6 October 2024, 10:05AM

By Fluoride Free New Zealand


Water fluoridation might result in 1/4 less filling per person or 3-4% more people without any tooth decay – or it might have no benefit at all!  

This is the finding of the latest review by the Cochrane Collaboration – internationally regarded as the gold standard in health reviews.

This is consistent with two recent large UK Government studies (2022, 2024), which concluded that fluoridation might not be cost-effective over the lifetime of a fluoridation plant.

The reviewers also concluded:

“There is insufficient evidence to determine the effect of cessation of CWF on caries and whether water fluoridation results in a change in disparities in caries according to socioeconomic status. We found no eligible studies that report caries outcomes in adults.”

Their key conclusion:

“The implementation or cessation of CWF requires careful consideration of this current evidence, in the broader context of a population's oral health, diet and consumption of tap water, movement or migration, and the availability and uptake of other caries‐prevention strategies.”

Regardless, the Director-General of Health is blindly marching ahead with fluoridation directives to force councils to fluoridate against the mounting evidence of harm, the growing public concern and the fact that there are alternative public dental health solutions that actually do work such as the Scottish Childsmile programme.  

Meanwhile, children’s brains are being harmed by fluoridation at least as much as they were when we were putting Lead into paint and petrol:  a US Federal Court concluded last week that “Plaintiffs have proven, by a preponderance of the evidence, that water fluoridation at the level of 0.7 mg/L – the prescribed optimal level of fluoridation in the United States – presents an “unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment”. 

Fluoridation needs to stop immediately. There is no evidence of benefit yet undisputable evidence of harm. There is no justification for continuing to harm the brains of growing children.