Immense relief at 'no toll' announcement

Tararua District Council

Friday 13 December 2024, 2:33PM

By Tararua District Council



Tararua District Council can breathe easy after receiving news today that the Manawatū Tararua Highway will not be tolled.

Mayor Tracey Collis says the community came out in droves to have their say on the proposal, and she thanks Cabinet for listening.

“We understand there’s a place for tolling in the transport system, but it didn’t make sense for this road for many reasons that have been well documented. Thank you to NZTA, Minister Simeon Brown and Cabinet, for listening to our community.

“We are immensely grateful to the Iwi partners on the Te Ahu a Turanga project, the mayors and councils from around the north island, and the many groups and individuals who let NZTA know what a toll on this road would mean for them.

“We are yet to hear how many people made submissions but based on the turnout at public meetings and the response in the community, we know it was a lot. The response to this toll proposal shows just how strongly people feel about Te Ahu a Turanga and its original intent as a replacement route that would be free for everyone.

“Our community has waited patiently for a long time for this road. With this welcome news today we can look forward to Te Ahu a Turanga opening next year, and to the many benefits this iconic project will bring for the Tararua district and the wider Manawatū region.”