Fault causes discharge into Whitianga stormwater network

Tuesday 22 January 2008, 5:09PM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



A full-scale disinfection and clean up has been undertaken on White St in Whitianga after a pumpstation failure caused sewage to overflow from manholes in the area.

Thames-Coromandel District Council used sucker trucks to clean up overland spills and disinfectant was spread following the incident at about 3pm yesterday (Monday).

TCDC Operations Manager Greg Hampton said United Water staff were notified of a sewer spill at a manhole which, upon investigation, was traced to the Cobham Lane sewer pumpstation.

Assessment revealed that the pumpstation controller had failed, resulting in overflows from several manholes and discharge into White St where it crossed private property and entered an open stormwater drain that empties into Whitianga Harbour.

“We have taken immediate steps to ensure that this does not happen again. It was extremely unfortunate, made worse by the fact that the discharge entered private property. We are continuing the clean up of this property and will cover all costs of any damage caused.”

A small number of other properties had minor spills from gully traps and these have also been cleared and disinfected.

Bacteriological samples were taken and the council has notified Environment Waikato and the Waikato District Health Board.