A shared code of practice improves productivity

Pete Hodgson

Wednesday 13 February 2008, 10:11PM

By Pete Hodgson


Better coordination between transport, local government and utilities sectors will be crucial to New Zealand's productive capacity and growth prospects, Economic Development Minister Pete Hodgson said today.

"Businesses rely on the availability of a responsive, reliable and quality utility infrastructure and efficient transport corridors, and the steps taken by these sectors to manage issues arising from the growing demand for utility services, competing providers and networks, and the roll-out of new technologies is a positive step for New Zealand."

Pete Hodgson’s comments were made as a new draft national Code of Practice aimed at resolving key transport corridor management issues was launched to those sectors today.

"Last year the government consulted on ways to reduce costs and inefficiencies arising from poor coordination between the sectors, and ways to potentially provide increased utility access to rail and motorway corridors while recognising the transport, safety and business responsibilities of local authorities, Transit NZ and ONTRACK."

"Industry said they would work collaboratively to resolve some of the issues themselves and that is what they have delivered. I congratulate them on the steps taken to do this."

"The New Zealand Utilities Advisory Group, which has led development of the draft national code with key sector organisations, is rolling out seminars on the code. I encourage sector participants to provide their feedback and think about how the code can now be implemented," said Pete Hodgson.

Seminars are being held in Palmerston North, Albany, Rotorua, Wellington, Christchurch and Gore from 12 – 20 February.

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