More science research funded

Pete Hodgson

Thursday 21 February 2008, 4:45PM

By Pete Hodgson


The University of Auckland’s Institute of Earth Sciences and Engineering (IESE) will be the first recipient of a new research fund, Research, Science and Technology Minister Pete Hodgson announced today.

The Strategic Relocation Fund (SRF) worth $8.84 million over 5 years is administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand, on behalf of the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology.

The money will help world-leading researchers who are working in areas of strategic interest to New Zealand to relocate here and establish research teams. The Royal Society also administers the prestigious $50 million Marsden Fund.

“This SRF represents significant investment in earth sciences. There are immediate practical applications for this work in the commercial energy sector, as well as government agencies responsible for hazard monitoring. Potentially it could led to sustainable wealth creation opportunities for New Zealand,” said Pete Hodgson.

“The Labour-led government has determinedly put the spotlight on research, science and technology – and those who work in these fields – as a contributor to our economic transformation. Investment in these areas is high on our agenda.”

The Institute of Earth Sciences and Engineering at the University of Auckland is headed by Professor Peter Malin. Professor Malin moved from Duke University and has successfully relocated his team from there and from other research organisations in the USA.

The team began research on 1 January 2008 in underground imaging, combining seismic, electrical, magnetic and gravitational measurements.