Papatoetoe park and ride doubled

Manukau City Council

Wednesday 12 March 2008, 10:09AM

By Manukau City Council



The number of spaces for park and ride at the Papatoetoe train station have been doubled.

Manukau City Council has increased the number of spaces at the Station Road car park from 62 to 124 spaces.

Transport Portfolio Leader David Collings says the extension to the carpark is part of the council’s plans to encourage more use of public transport.

“We want to make public transport easier and more convenient to use. We hope that offering more park and ride spaces will encourage more people to try public transport.

“Manukau City Council has a long term aim of increasing public transport use by making it a viable alternative to the car. We’re helping this by providing key transport interchanges and improving park and ride facilities,” Cr Collings says.

The $255,000 project was funded by Manukau City Council and Land Transport New Zealand. The council is currently investigating further extensions to park and ride at Papatoetoe train station.

Other park and rides in Manukau are at the Manurewa and Homai train stations.

Recent improvements to public transport in Manukau include:

a passenger drop-off at McVilley Road for easier access to the Homai Station
cycle parking lockers at Papatoetoe and Manurewa stations
The Manurewa public transport interchange, which has park and ride spaces.