Council now seeks feedback on draft annual plan

Palmerston North City Council

Wednesday 12 March 2008, 11:05PM

By Palmerston North City Council



The City Council has finalised its Draft Annual Plan (DAP) which includes a recommended rate increase of 12 percent.

At its full Council meeting tonight, City Councillors approved a $97.6 million operational and $31.9 capital budget requiring a 12 percent rate rise which means people will pay just over $3 a week more in their rates.

However two other options, a seven percent and a 15 percent increase, will be included in the DAP for public feedback.

Projects approved in the DAP include ongoing water renewals, the inclusion of the Rugby Museum within Te Manawa, streetscaping in the Central Business District and a phased programme of building works at Arena Manawatu.

However spending on the recreational lake, a new conservatory and aviary at the Victoria Esplanade, improvements to the Pahiatua Track, the Ferguson Street widening from Linton to Pitt Streets and the harvesting of the Gordon Kear Forest was deferred.

The frequency of collecting kerbside recyclables will now be fortnightly instead of weekly. Rubbish bags will continue to be collected on a weekly basis.

The Draft Annual Plan now goes to the community for comment. It will be available for public inspection from March 27 and people have until April 28 to make their submission. A comprehensive summary of the DAP will be delivered to all households on Sunday, March 30.

Mayor Jono Naylor, who chaired tonight’s Council meeting, says the consultation phase is very important. “We want people to be well informed so they can make submissions which will help us reach a final decision,” he says.

“As a Council we are keen to be guided by the public and I strongly encourage people to participate when the draft is released later this month.”