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Palmerston North City Council

Wednesday 26 March 2008, 3:03PM

By Palmerston North City Council



The Draft Annual Plan for 2008/09 will be available from tomorrow.

Following a number of workshops and Council meetings, the City Council has adopted the Draft Annual Plan and it will now be available for public inspection on March 27.

A summary of the main points and proposed rate options will be published in The Tribune this Sunday on March 30.

The City Council is encouraging Palmerston North people to study the document, consider the options and take part in the consultation process.

Community meetings will be held in each of the Wards in April. The Council encourages people to participate in these meetings which will assist discussion and enable people to make their submission on the draft plan by the closing date of April 28.

People also have an opportunity to speak in support of their submission during five days in May.

The dates of the 7pm community meetings are, as follows:

April 1, Ashhurst, Anglican Church Hall
April 2, Takaro, Somerset School Staff Room
April 3, Fitzherbert, IPC Senior Common Room
April 8, Papaioea, Hospital Staff Social Club (cnr Tremaine Ave/Ruahine Street)
April 9, Awapuni, Awapuni Community Centre, Newbury Street
April 10, Hokowhitu, Meeting Room 2, Palmerston North Community Leisure Centre (Ferguson Street).

Copies of the Draft Annual Plan are available from the Council’s Customer Service Centre, city and branch libraries, the Ashhurst Four Square Centre or can be downloaded from the Council’s website