Northland company eyes global opportunities

Pete Hodgson

Tuesday 1 April 2008, 10:28PM

By Pete Hodgson



Whangarei electrical engineering company McKay is making the most of opportunities to grow its business internationally – and a range of government services are helping it realise gains even faster, Economic Development Minister Pete Hodgson said during a visit to the company today. 

“McKay has embarked on a path to achieve high growth and has decided to use a number of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) programmes and services to help it on its way. This is paying dividends in terms of the opportunities it is now pursuing locally and internationally.”

The electrical and instrumentation engineering and contracting company has been in business for more than 70 years. Winning a contract to design, build, install and supply electrical switchgear and distribution systems for vessels being built as part of the Ministry of Defence's Project Protector was the catalyst for the company to pursue more business overseas and expand its capabilities
into new industries.

“NZTE’s Industry Capability Network works with New Zealand and Australian businesses and government agencies to identify major project opportunities that can be fulfilled locally. It worked closely with McKay in 2004 to help it win the contract, which in turn has helped McKay grow both in size and capability and provide a foundation for the company’s expansion offshore.

“This success provided a platform for McKay to launch into new markets, including the marine sector and in particular, superyachts. Crucially, it wants any growth to be solid and sustainable – which again is where NZTE has been able to help.”

McKay has used Growth Services Funding from NZTE to ensure it has the infrastructure and skills required to achieve growth, and Market Development funding to help it explore new markets overseas.

Last year it joined NZTE’s Americas Beachhead programme to find a United States-based mentor and develop a presence there. It has also joined up to the Better By Design programme to help it be a step ahead of its competition in terms of product design and services.

“McKay is an excellent example of a company being willing to take on new opportunities and challenges. I congratulate it on its vision and wish it well in its quest to continue growing into an internationally competitive business,” Pete Hodgson said.