District Plan Change Signals Housing Energy Commitment

Tararua District Council

Friday 2 May 2008, 5:33PM

By Tararua District Council



Tararua council plans to get serious about energy conservation and sustainability in housing design when changes to the District Plan are made later in the year.

The council is signalling a strong commitment to encouraging energy efficiency and the utilisation of renewable energy, says manager environmental services Mike Brown.

“In the design and development of subdivisions a focus on energy conservation will be a requirement.

Developers should consider design principles that optimise orientation of the sun and ‘passive’ solar gain along with acceptable insulation,” Mr Brown says.

If the standards are met there would be no requirement for a resource consent.

With the added emphasis on energy efficiency the council was demonstrating that it was taking its responsibility in meeting the relevant design standards seriously, Mr Brown said.

Amendments to the Indigenous Vegetation Provisions are also proposed in the District Plan.

Property owners will be allowed more leeway to clear indigenous vegetation if it has been inspected by a suitably qualified botanist and the council accepts the report.

However if the bush is deemed to be significant then a resource consent will be necessary.

The council also proposes to remove “spot” zones in the zoning maps to make the zoning consistent with the surrounding area.

A demand for more industrial land in Dannevirke will also be addressed in the amended plan.

The District Plan changes are open for consultation until June 30.