Marae commended for sprinkler installation

Friday 16 May 2008, 1:41PM

By NZ Fire Service



The reopening of the Te Tomairangi marae in Invercargill is a great event in more ways than one according to the New Zealand Fire Service. After two fires at the marae, Saturday the 17th May will see Te Tomairangi reopened, this time with sprinklers installed as part of the design. The Fire Service’s National Maori Advisor, Piki Thomas, says that the decision to install sprinklers will provide the best fire protection for their marae. However Mr Thomas is quick to point out that on average the Fire Service attends six marae fires per year throughout the country so more marae are urged to install these devices that not only control the spread of fire but save priceless taonga as well. Approximately only 10-15 percent of marae have automated fire systems therefore Te Tomairangi’s sprinkler decision is a great example for more marae to follow. The New Zealand Fire Service urges all marae to install a smoke detection system for early warning of fire, sprinklers to control fire spread and to develop an evacuation scheme for the safe movement of occupants. For further information on general marae fire safety please contact your local fire safety officer.