NZ and PNG Sign New Aid Strategy

Wednesday 16 July 2008, 7:04PM

By Rt Hon Winston Peters


New Zealand is to increase its development work in Papua New Guinea, with the focus on health, education and economic growth, Foreign Minister Winston Peters announced today.

"The government, through its development agency NZAID, will fund projects worth over $300 million over the next ten years to help PNG meet its development goals," Mr Peters said.

"The NZAID-Papua New Guinea country strategy signed in Port Moresby today marks a major milestone in the relationship between the two countries, and demonstrates New Zealand's commitment to a healthy and prosperous Pacific.

"The strategy will be one of New Zealand's most significant aid investments.

"The strategy focuses in on two objectives that are critical if the people of PNG are to build better lives for themselves: improving the delivery in health and education services, and improving employment opportunities

"The PNG government is to be commended for its part in developing and consulting on the strategy. We look forward to working with PNG over the next decade to improve the lives and opportunities of its people," Mr Peters said.

PNG is New Zealand's second largest bilateral aid recipient, with an annual programme of $22.5 million, which will increase to $30 million in 2009/10.