ALAC welcomes review of liquor laws


Wednesday 6 August 2008, 6:41PM



The Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC) has welcomed the Government’s announcement of a full review of liquor laws.

“The Sale of Liquor Act is now almost 20 years old,” said ALAC Chair Peter Glensor. “In that time the environment has changed dramatically. We have the increased availability of alcohol through the number of outlets and the hours they are open; we have alcohol being sold cheaply through cut price promotions in off licences and supermarket discounting; we have new products coming onto the market; and we have a lower minimum purchase age.

``It is timely for a full and comprehensive review.’’

ALAC also welcomed the new legislation giving communities a greater say in liquor licensing issues.

``Communities want to have a say in the number and location of liquor outlets in their area,’’ Mr Glensor said. ``This is the strong message we have been getting from communities throughout the country.

``There is a lot of frustration out there and things need to change.’’