Hanover straw breaks camels back

Wednesday 6 August 2008, 6:42PM

By Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities


Many professionals /Business people who have sat and watch the EUFA organisation from afar have had enough and have offered help to investors through supporting the work of EUFA.

Suzanne Edmonds cell phone and the EUFA 0800 line have been hot with this concerned group wanting to now get behind the work of the organisation in a bid to stop the bad business practices of the financial industry.

The Hanover troubles were the last straw for a number of concerned successful business people. These decent group also want a clean up and are beginning to let go of their apathy and want to join forces.

Suzanne Edmonds said today “It is very refreshing to get such support as it is very difficult to keep working as hard as we all do and gain no ground being dismissed as idiots.” .......“There is a definite gossip going around now within the power base which dismisses the Investors....once this power base is exposed one by one the investors may be listened to.”

In the next few weeks EUFA will be asking to meet with the business groups to deliver the investors message and the truth.

Hanover directors refused a meeting with EUFA with a spun out response that is skilful. It mirrors the advertising spin the public of New Zealand had to endure as reliable. Consulting with the group who have made them wealthy ,may have been in their better interests in the long term, for all concerned.

Mrs Edmonds adds “If Hanover are not prepared to meet EUFA representing the investors, in good faith, what hope have the investors got and how will they be able to trust the proposal offered by hanover?