Past documents will haunt MPs

Sunday 24 August 2008, 11:54AM

By Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities


A discovery of 20 year old documents last week in a basement will haunt many MP’s and political parties in the coming weeks. The document's found last Thursday demonstrate how seriously negligent the Government's and all MP’s handling of events have been, leading up to the current financial Crisis. The documents are currently being prepared to be made available for public inspection.


They show the events of the past are significant to current times. They show the neglect of Politician's spanning two decades which has insurmountably contributed to the current serious finance crisis.


All members of Parliament have a duty to ensure current laws are implemented and that the bodies set up to make the enforcement do their job. Who police's the policing bodies? In the past 20 years it has not been happening unless an MP could get some Media coverage and get a new rating in the polls.


After attending the EUFA meeting in Tauranga last Thursday, New Zealand First MP Peter Brown said he was not aware of the serious effects that the near $6b crisis is causing. Mr Brown said he referred People to EUFA. Suzanne Edmonds, who has campaigned against White Collar Crime since 1989 in Mr Browns home town of Tauranga, was shocked to hear Mr Browns statements, as she was reminded how the National party and later New Zealand First made a very loud noise about White Collar Crime at the 1990 election time. MP’s have just talked the talk but have not walked the walk, leaving a country in crisis. Victims will still be here after election time living the suffering of the current crisis, so the cheap talk before elections will not make any difference. Urgent action is required.


It appears the Current Minister of Commerce is no longer responding to EUFAs correspondence. Coordinator of EUFA Suzanne Edmonds said “The Minister has the pip with us as we called for her resignation over the Donal Curtain appointment, so she is giving us the cold shoulder but - she must not forget she has a job to do and she must do it properly ”


No political party can pass the buck on an almost $6b calamity currently shattering reportedly a half a million lives of decent responsible New Zealanders.


Any Politician who wants to grandstand at election time over the finance crisis will be seriously challenged by the EUFA members, as the history of the past two decades since the share market crash, will show negligence’s by governments and MP’s. Long running electioneering promises have been from hollow men and women. The promises are made during a six week stage show and then the promises are locked away. The promises remain dormant for the following three years while the politicians memories become blank.


Last week the speech notes from a speech by Ex Chief of the SFO, Chas Sturt said in 1990-


“ White collar crime in my opinion is the most pernicious of all types of offences due to the fact that it is committed by people in the community whose standing traditionally is that of being pillars of society”. White Collar Crime and predatory actions of professionals is easily disguised.


Mr Sturt also said in his speech “ Some Companies are legitimately set up with honest intentions, but somewhere along the line have severe liquidity problems and the law is infringed when an attempt is made to rectify what is believed to be a temporary situation. Public monies are misused in possibly the honest belief that the money will be repaid when the crisis has been averted. I have no doubt that in many instances this is done, but of course it is often the case that the crisis is not averted and we see the pattern of further abuse of public funds where money is taken to repay the original shortfall. This of course has a cumulative effect so that we get ever increasing amounts of money being diverted from their intended purpose”.


Mrs Edmonds added “ I have lost count of the times investors have said that they went with the company because the advisor or advertising put up a prominent figure or high profile company director to entice business . Those Directors are hiding now and not coming forth and they need to be held to account regardless whether they have friends in Government - or other such circles”


Many of the perpetrators are walking free because of poor governance. New Zealanders must stand up for themselves to enable the country to regain confidence.