Call For POTI Consultation On Bolton Print

Wednesday 1 October 2008, 6:32PM

By Tararua District Council



Councillors are prepared to lend a print of early Pahiatua identity Samuel Bolton to the Lindauer Studio in Woodville but not until Pahiatua On Track (POTI) has been consulted.

The print currently hangs in the Pahiatua Council Chamber and has replaced Lindauer’s original portrait that was returned to the Bolton family.

As the Bolton family is also significant to Woodville, the Friends of the Lindauer Studio committee had applied for a grant from the council’s Heritage Protection fund to purchase prints of two early identities – Samuel Bolton and Kate Sperry – to add to the collection.

The council granted funding of $365.00 for the purchase of two replica prints and was then reminded that a print of Samuel Bolton was already hanging at Pahiatua and might be moved to Woodville.

However councillors declined a recommendation to do so, preferring to let it lie on the table until POTI had been consulted.