Nomination for Candidates close for 2008 Election

Tuesday 14 October 2008, 8:32PM

By Gray Eatwell



At midday today nominations closed for candidates in the 2008 election.

In the wake of the media frenzy that is spinning vindication of the New Zealand First donation saga, Tauranga Independent candidate Gray Eatwell says a serious issue under the Electoral Act remains outstanding.

In a letter to the Electoral Commission, this week, Mr Eatwell Stated “Evidence from the Serious Fraud Office has now proven a “corrupt Practice” whereby the New Zealand First Party submitted a falsified disclosure statement to the Electoral Commission for the reporting period 2007/08”.

The driving force of Mr Eatwells stand for Parliament, is from his 10 year experience of the government failing in their fundamental duty to uphold the rule of law. Having fought on behalf of thousands of NZers caught up in financial industry scams, that would have been prevented had the rule of law been enforced, means it is totally consistent that he should demand accountability to conditions of the Electoral Act now.

Mr Eatwell is emphatic that the Electoral Commission has a statutory obligation to adjudicate this matter in strict accordance with natural justice rights of equality.

Gray Eatwell said from Tauranga today “The Electoral Act is cut and dry - a falsified disclosure statement is a corrupt practice which carries a substantial penalty including a jail term and disqualification from being eligible to be a member of Parliament.”

There is substantial evidence in the public arena for which New Zealand First is being investigated by the Electoral Commission. With the evidence to hand it may well be that as leader, Winston Peters could be held accountable.

This is a serious matter that must be remedied immediately, to prevent a costly by-election in Tauranga being necessary.

Mr Eatwell added “Given that the weight of evidence proves that a false statement was made, I doubt that an innocent person in New Zealand First would be, nor should be, prepared to go to Jail to cover up for someone else’s actions.”