Clark And Key Playing Politics With The Economy

Wednesday 22 October 2008, 8:06PM

By Rodney Hide


ACT Leader Rodney Hide today accused both Prime Minister Helen Clark and National Leader John Key of being 'head-in-the-sand' over New Zealand's economic crisis, and of playing politics to get through the election at a time when economic leadership and direction is needed.

"Mr Key is playing 'me too' with Labour's wild spending policies and promises. He must know they're unaffordable - which makes him irresponsible in the extreme," Mr Hide said.

"He has today again ruled out Roger Douglas from Cabinet, blithely parroting Helen Clark's line that Roger Douglas and ACT's policies are extreme.

"In the weeks and months ahead, John Key's government will need all the help and experience the country can muster. That's why people who know how vulnerable New Zealand is to the world economic meltdown should give a Party vote to ACT.

"ACT has made no bottom lines or demands for its support, as we consider New Zealand's situation too dire to be playing politics.

"We also know that what Clark and Key say now will change dramatically after the election - and they know it too," Mr Hide said