Cash For Consulship - Rodney Hide

Wednesday 29 October 2008, 7:00AM

By Rodney Hide


TVNZ's latest revelations of Winston Peters fishing for a consulship for Owen Glenn show all of New Zealand why Helen Clark and Winston Peters have to go, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.

"Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters vigorously denied receiving $100,000 from Owen Glenn. He then said he had, but didn't know about it. Parliament found that he did know. That he knew all along," Mr Hide said.

"He then vigorously denied ever seeking a consulship for Owen Glenn, which we now know to also have been untrue.

"Helen Clark has stood Winston down from his job but is still defending his baubles. The cash for consulship scandal doesn't appear to faze her. For Helen Clark now, it is power at all costs.

"Winston Peters is a disgrace and, tragically, he has dragged Helen Clark down into the gutter with him. It is time for both to
go," Mr Hide said.