CCNL delivers broadband strategy for Christchurch

Wednesday 29 October 2008, 5:47PM

By Christchurch City Networks Limited



Local businesses, government offices and healthcare providers are seeing the benefits of faster connections and unlimited bandwidth as Christchurch City Networks Limited (CCNL) expands the reach of its fibre network throughout the city.

CCNL highlighted the strengths of its growing urban fibre-optic network and the performance of the company after its first year of operation at its AGM yesterday. In the year to June 2008, the company recorded a net-loss of just over $300,000 – improving on forecast by 125 percent, due to significant revenue growth and tight containment of costs. With its strong performance, coupled with the planned growth of the network, CCNL expects to be operating in an EBITDA positive position during 2009.

“The CCNL business model and ‘Open Access’ approach is providing Christchurch with a world class fibre infrastructure that is delivering real benefits for service providers, businesses and community organisations,” says CCNL chairman, Bill Luff.

CCNL chief executive Steve Fuller says the main focus of the business to date has been on bringing real benefits to key sectors of business and a significant investment in providing lower cost, high-speed fibre to healthcare providers, and local and central government institutions.

“The CCNL fibre network now has very good coverage of the CBD and other business areas across Christchurch,” says Steve Fuller.

“The availability of unlimited bandwidth also solves many of the technology constraints that the health sector has had to work around in the past, and this has seen considerable take up by health providers in the city.”

“A great example of the advantages of using CCNL’s ultra-high speed fibre optic service is Christchurch Radiology Group’s delivery of high quality, real time medical imaging around the city,” says Mr Fuller. “CRG is also enjoying a range of other operational benefits by using the technology.”

A rapidly growing list of technology service providers are recognising the benefits of CCNL’s Open Access network, which means any company can purchase or include CCNL network as part of their hosting, storage, Internet, IP voice and ICT services enabling customer solutions with performance benefits and cost reduction.

Local service provider SNAP is making extensive use of the CCNL fibre to deliver a range of services including Internet, storage and national bandwidth to their corporate and business customers.

SNAP CEO Jamie Cairns says it has been great to have CCNL right on their doorstep.

“Using their fibre network, we have been able to provide services to our clients which would not have been practical or affordable in the past,” says Jamie Cairns.

CCNL has just signed a multi-million dollar agreement with Transpower to assist them in delivering their state-of-the-art communications and control network for their electricity assets and operation in Christchurch.

The company also recently entered into a 15-year contract to supply fibre network capability to NZ Comms, to support their new mobile network, which will be launched in Christchurch early next year.

“We believe investment in high-speed Open Access broadband networks is essential in enabling local businesses, government organisations, health and education institutions and service providers to advance both the economic and social development of our city,” says Steve Fuller.

“Interest from the business community has snowballed, as companies realise the potential of the high-speed fibre network. With the unlimited potential that fibre delivers, there are limitless opportunities for growth – and we want Christchurch to be at the forefront of what is possible with technology enablement.”

For further information, please contact:
Malcolm Campbell
Marketing & Sales Manager
Christchurch City Networks Ltd
03 941 8409

Gerard Blank
The Agency Communications
03 341 5841
0275 243 629