CentrePort Crucial to Wellington Region Infrastructure Needs

Thursday 30 October 2008, 9:28PM

By CentrePort Limited



Investment in New Zealand’s transport infrastructure needs to be broadened to include the country’s network of ports, according to Wellington port company CentrePort.

CentrePort applauded Tuesday’s announcement by Wellington Regional Council of improvements to key parts of the city’s roading network, public transport system and support for alternative transport, such as cycling and walking.

But CentrePort chairman Warren Larsen said the port is also a critical component of the city and region’s infrastructure, and needs to be considered in any integrated transport planning.

“These planned improvements can be maximised if the region retains an efficient, modern port facility to enable trade to be conducted in the most profitable and sustainable way,” Mr Larsen said.

The port provides the region with a vital link to global markets, while also being the key link between the North and South Islands.

“CentrePort is a strategic asset for all the region, and efficient transport links to and from Wellington are essential for the region’s economic wellbeing,” he said.

“The significant growth in cruise vessel calls to Wellington – 60 vessel calls are expected this season, 67% up on last season – will also result in a very welcome and positive economic impact on the city and the region.”

The port has recently undergone a capital investment programme in port operations, which contributed to a profit increase of 10.7% on the previous year’s performance to $11.4 million for the year to 30 June.

Mr Larsen said this redevelopment strategy, which has included the replacement of two container cranes and the purchase of a new tug, has underpinned the profit improvement.

“We have significant other infrastructure developments under way which will continue to strengthen port operations – it is an exciting time for the business.”

For further information please contact:
Warren Larsen
CentrePort Limited
021 449 543

Notes to editors

· Wellington’s CentrePort Ltd is one of New Zealand’s major port companies. The port had a record container throughput for the past year of 91,638 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs).

· CentrePort has 200 employees in the Wellington region and operates from 47 hectares of land on Port Nicholson.

· CentrePort is the only New Zealand port able to offer delivery anywhere in New Zealand within 24 hours.

· CentrePort is New Zealand’s most strategically located international port, in terms of road, rail and coastal transport networks to and from import and export businesses in the region.

· CentrePort Limited is 76.9% owned by Port Investments Limited, a subsidiary of Greater Wellington Regional Council, and 23.1% owned by Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council (trading as Horizons Regional Council).