Maori Party Promotes Party Vote

Tariana Turia

Saturday 1 November 2008, 1:55PM

By Tariana Turia


Maori Party Co-leader Tariana Turia has been puzzled at how many New Zealanders still appear to be unsure about the party vote.

“With one week to go, many people have been contacting us to ask if they can give us their party vote – and they genuinely seemed to not to know that they could” said Mrs Turia.

“Of course we’re delighted to say that YES – anyone can give the Maori Party their party vote – but there’s a bigger issue at stake about general voter familiarity with the party vote concept".

“We’ve been rung by many, many Pakeha people, Asian people, Pasifika people – and indeed Maori on the General roll – who seem unclear about how the party vote works across all political parties” said Mrs Turia.

“We’ve been telling them the party vote is important because it helps decide how many seats each party gets in parliament” said Mrs Turia.

“We’ve been telling them that every voter in general or Maori electorates has the same opportunity to vote for any party, from the 19 parties on offer”.

“And we’ve been telling them, that yes, the Maori Party is on that party list – just look for M for Maori ! "