350 Rangatahi About to Change the World Forever
“Today is a great day to invest in our future” said Mrs Turia.
“While the Snowchange Festival in Taranaki marks this year as International Polar Year, and indeed this day as International Polar Day, a group of 350 young people of secondary school age are taking dramatic action to provoke attention to the urgency of addressing climate change”.
“The Maori Party regards climate change as a critical issue requiring an urgent and meaningful response from all New Zealanders – and it is great to see activity happening at all levels” said Mrs Turia.
“I want to really commend these rangatahi who are committed to taking positive action on climate change” said Mrs Turia.
“At least 350 young people will be coming to Parliament at 3.50pm today, to do an outline of '350' – a human statue” said Mrs Turia. “The Maori Party Member of Parliament for Te Tai Tonga, Rahui Katene, will be attending the event, to cheer the 350 on!”
“I am really sorry I won’t be able to be with them – I’ll be at the climate change forum in Taranaki (Snowchange 2008) – but there is something very unifying about knowing we are all working in different ways to create a healthier and sustainable planet”.
“The kaupapa for their event - connection, action and celebration – is one that is bound to get people moving, to stimulate direct action that we can each take to act as tangata tiaki, guardians of the planet”.
“I am full of admiration for these young people from 350 NZ, who are organising a range of events to inspire positive action on climate change” said Mrs Turia.