Time to prepare for summer water needs

Wednesday 17 December 2008, 2:09PM

By Manukau Water



With summer taking hold, residents in rural areas such as Maraetai, Beachlands, Whitford and Clevedon who rely on rainwater tanks are reminded to prepare for their summer water needs.

Residents in these areas should make sure their water tanks are clean and check tank capacity is able to meet their needs, says Raveen Jaduram, chief executive officer of Manukau Water.

“It pays to plan ahead as there is limited capacity for tank water suppliers to meet a sudden rush in demand across the district,” Mr Jaduram says.

In Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon and other rural areas of Manukau, the responsibility for water supply is with the homeowners, who are mainly dependent on rainwater collected from roofs and on tankered water during drier periods. There are around 13,000 households in rural Manukau who rely on tank supply.

As it did last year, Manukau Water will arrange for tank water supply trucks to fill from the Manukau Water supply. The company’s Ormiston Road filling station will be available for the suppliers all summer.

Mr Jaduram says residents in rural areas are generally well aware of their water needs.

“The rural community is very prudent with water use,” he says. “But wise water use is always needed to make sure we make the most of this precious resource.”

Mr Jaduram said all water users can take some simple steps to use water wisely.

Top Tips For Saving Water

Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
Be a water-wise gardener – avoid watering in the middle of the day, and use mulch.
Reduce shower times
Use a bucket of water to wash your car – not a running hose
Check for leaks around your home plumbing and get them fixed
Fill the dishwasher before using it