RMA Reform Off To A Good Start

Wednesday 17 December 2008, 5:19PM

By Rodney Hide


Streamlining the Resource Management Act (RMA) is off to a good start with today's announcement of the RMA Technical Advisory Group to support the Government's programme of reform of the Resource Management Act, Minister for Regulatory Reform, Hon Rodney Hide said today.

The group has been established as part of the confidence and supply agreement the ACT negotiated with National.

"I welcome today's announcement because it puts us on track to dealing with the burdening regulatory compliance imposed by this unworkable and unwieldy piece of legislation. The feedback since I have become Minister for Regulatory Reform has been overwhelming with the RMA identified as a critical issue.

"Local councils and the public will no doubt also welcome this review. We need a much simpler, friendlier piece of legislation that doesn't impose barriers every time we want to progress good ideas and intitiatives," says the Hon Rodney Hide.