Liquor bans aimed at improving community safety

Waitakere City Council

Thursday 18 December 2008, 11:21AM

By Waitakere City Council



Drinking or possessing alcohol in a public place will become illegal in some parts of Waitakere under a strengthened bylaw introduced by the Waitakere City Council.

The council last night passed the Control of Liquor in Public Places Bylaw 2008, which comes into force on December 23.

Planning and Regulatory Committee chairperson Councillor Vanessa Neeson says the bylaw supports local police to combat alcohol-related crime and anti-social behaviour.

The bylaw sees 24-hour liquor bans introduced in Henderson, New Lynn, Glen Eden, Titirangi and Westgate and Te Atatu Peninsula central business districts.

Overnight bans have also been imposed on 29 local parks and reserves between 9.00pm and 6.00am. The locations were selected as a result of police statistics which indicated these were potential crime hotspots.

Residents are also reminded that there is a total liquor ban at Piha between 5pm to 5am throughout the holiday period.

Public consultation, which included formal submissions and hearings, showed overwhelming support for the bans.
“This is not about stopping someone wanting to have a picnic with a glass of wine, but about trying to make our parks, reserves and town centres safer for everyone,” says Cr Neeson.

“Sadly it is the actions of a few that ends up spoiling things for others but this bylaw will support the police’s ability to pre-empt trouble and will in turn protect the whole community.”
As well as the drinking, there was also concern about the aftermath of such behaviour, such broken glass left behind.