Debt Elimination Service Launched by Owner of Finance Company

Monday 2 July 2007, 2:45PM

By Mediacom


Kurt Girdler
Kurt Girdler Credit: Mediacom
The owner of a Porirua finance company has just launched a Web-Site, Coaching and Seminar service that will teach people how to eliminate all debt permanently. People can get out of debt using the money they are currently earning, and usually do it in 5-7 years. The web-site offers a wide range of financial educational tools for the do-it-yourself Kiwi; the Consultancy service is available for short to long term coaching support, and the seminar gives all attendees a great kick start to killing their debt.

Kurt Girdler and his wife Sue were inspired to set up the web-site and consultancy service when they realised the stress many New Zealanders were under because of debt, this included many of their own clients at Tasman Finance. They still own their finance business but have not sought new clients since mid 2005.

Their focus is now on helping people out of debt, rather than into debt.

In New Zealand debt is at an all time high. The amount of debt Kiwis are carrying is causing stress in their relationships and health and affecting productivity in the work place. This web-site provides hope, optimism, and a solution to the problem.

The site, which can be found at is a site with a mission. Kurt and Sue want people who visit the site to be so shocked by what they learn that they are forced to ask themselves about their own debt situation. Specifically, how much debt they have, how they got it, and their plan, if any, for getting rid of it. is an extremely comprehensive site; it provides helpful editorial content and a broad array of options for the visitor. Visitors can purchase products, or tap into various consultancy and seminar services. People also have the ability to tailor their own product or coaching packages, or any combination. Free downloadable financial tools are also available.

The system, known internationally as Transforming Debt Into Wealth®, was developed by best selling author John Cummuta. It has been taught worldwide to over a million private individuals and couples, as well as in seminar settings. It is also taught as part of the Anthony Robbins Wealth Mastery seminars.

It is the most successful debt elimination system in the world today and has been an international best seller for more than 3 years. Part of its huge success is that it is not about not spending, it is about managed spending. It is about knowing what it is you really want from life, what it is that brings you pleasure and making sure that you arrange your finances so that you are getting it.