Fire Concert Shows Great Community Spirit

Thursday 22 January 2009, 2:55PM

By Kaipara District Council


Concert compère Rob Harte (running on the right) will have a colourful presence on stage even if it is less energetic than this role in the Dargaville Centennial Trolley Derby when he was pictured with team mates Wayne McKean and Gina Wadsworth.
Concert compère Rob Harte (running on the right) will have a colourful presence on stage even if it is less energetic than this role in the Dargaville Centennial Trolley Derby when he was pictured with team mates Wayne McKean and Gina Wadsworth. Credit: Kaipara District Council


Dargaville’s Fire Benefit Concert on 30 January 2009 will be a spectacular event and its organisers have been almost overwhelmed by the response from performers and the public.

“Everyone has absolutely jumped at the opportunity to be involved and we have a wonderful line-up of performers and people contributing in all sorts of other ways” says Mayor Neil Tiller who is promoting the concert on behalf of the community to help people affected by the disastrous fire which gutted four businesses and damaged a fifth.

Mayor Tiller predicts that the great programme and the enthusiasm to assist in the wake of the fire will see the town hall packed on 30 January.

“It is going to be a memorable evening, both for the entertainment and as a display of Dargaville’s community spirit.”

The Fire Benefit Concert starts at 7.30pm and entry is by a donation of $10.00 at the door. There will be no ticket sales and patrons are advised to come early to be sure of a seat.

It will be hosted by Rob Harte, colourful presenter of television’s ‘My House is My Castle’ show and who also made an impressive impact in Dargaville during the town’s centennial trolley derby.

The programme will feature a number of talented country music artists plus other high profile acts like Roslyn Gilmore, Kim Copedo, Ronnie Antonio, Peter Martin, the Kauri Chorus, Instep Dance Studio, Joe Carbery and other colourful performers.

The Kauri Chorus has come together early to prepare and its three items will include ”We will be a shelter for each other,” chosen especially for the occasion.

“Everyone was absolutely delighted to be asked to perform because we all have an association with people affected by the fire, especially the Fosters. Some are life-long associations,” says Kauri Chorus Musical Director, Sharon Hunter.

All performances, talent, sound equipment and Council staff time involved in providing the supper has been donated and many other people are helping in various ways.

Dargaville Fire Brigade, who have already been closely involved with the fire, will be contributing their services by running the bar for the concert.

Other examples of community generosity include Paparoa Rental and Travel providing a free bus to bring patrons from Maungaturoto, Paparoa and Ruawai. Seats on this can be confirmed by telephoning 09 431 7124

Funds raised by the concert will be administered by a committee comprising the Mayor and two Councillors.

Anyone who is unable to attend the concert but wishes to contribute to the Fire Benefit Fund can leave donations at the Dargaville branch of the National Bank.