3rd Year Anniversary of Happy Valley Mine Site Occupation a Roaring Success

Monday 26 January 2009, 2:12PM

By Save Happy Valley Coalition



This weekend the Save Happy Valley Coalition celebrated the 3rd anniversary of their occupation of the planned site of Cypress Mine at Happy Valley. Despite Solid Energy's plans to strip-mine this spectacular natural area, Happy Valley so far remains a prisitine alpine wetland providing habitat for the great spotted kiwi, and is a significant biodiversity hotspot that is part of New Zealand's natural heritage.

35 supporters of the environmental group from across the country tramped into the valley, north of Westport, on saturday 24th of January, to celebrate three years of keeping the fragile biodiversity of this condemned wetland safe from Solid Energy's bulldozers, bearing the banner "climate change prevention". Despite the noted absence of their esteemed guest, Solid Energy CEO Dr Don Elder, the coalition belatedly enjoyed a sumptious five course banquet cooked especially for him, including pasta, taboulli, aromatic rice and pesto. The camp was graced however, by binocular surveillance from two men working for Pro-Vision Security, a subsidiary company of the publically disgraced Thompson & Clarke Investigations Ltd on Sunday morning. When approached, the spies commented that it was lovely weather to be out of the city enjoying such spectacular scenery. While there were no signs of Solid Energy drillers' huts being erected in the valley, SHVC anticipate this development over the next month with concern.

Save Happy Valley Coalition spokesperson Graham Jury states; "After three years without the development of Cypress Mine, SHVC are renewed in focus and determination. We will continue to stand resolute in our commitment to protect New Zealand's natural heritage from the destructive coal industry."