Statement: Correction

Tariana Turia

Monday 26 January 2009, 9:16PM

By Tariana Turia


The Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector - Hon Tariana Turia - is disappointed that a Sunday paper, trying to draw her into a story about the new Minister for Social Development - Hon Paula Bennett - has its facts wrong; and Mrs Turia believes the paper owes her family an apology.


A story was published over the weekend about Ms Bennett bailing a street gang member - who happened to be her daughter's boyfriend - to her Auckland address while he was awaiting trial. The paper attempted to draw Mrs Turia into the story by saying that as a Minister in an earlier Labour government - she intervened on behalf of her son to have him moved to a prison closer to her home. They even named one of her sons.


Mrs Turia says 'that is quite incorrect'. In fact the young man concerned was a state ward who had lived with Mrs Turia's family for a year.


'I don't mind accurate reporting, but digging dirt and getting it wrong is not acceptable. I expect those who got it wrong to apologise to my family.'


'At the time (2001) the young man concerned was in Paremoremo and his mother asked me to see if he could be moved closer to home, which I sought on her behalf. It was unfortunate that my request went out on the wrong letterhead, but that was an accident not a deliberate move.'


Mrs Turia says she looks forward to any news organisations who wrongly named her son to correct their stories and to apologise.


Mrs Turia concluded by saying, 'It doesn't matter whether you are a Minister or who you are, many of us have family who may have committed offences and I really admire Paula for standing by the father of her grandchild.'