Funding available for arts projects

Tuesday 27 January 2009, 4:18PM

By Taupo District Council



Arts and cultural projects in the Taupo district have the opportunity to receive grants as Creative Taupo welcomes applications for its six-monthly funding distribution.


The funding is part of the Creative Communities Scheme that Creative Taupo runs in partnership with Creative New Zealand with the aim of increasing participation in the arts at a local level and increasing the range and diversity of arts available. A total of $30,000 is available for distribution.


Projects seeking assistance can include projects such as events or festivals, seminars or workshops, school-based projects, materials, personnel costs or equipment purchase.


The project must increase participation in the arts at a local level, increase the range and diversity of arts at a local level, and/or enhance and strengthen the local arts sector.


Taupo District Councillor Andrew Welch has been involved with Creative Taupo for 20 years and says the Creative Communities Scheme provides much needed and welcomed assistance for the local art scene.


“I encourage any group or person who thinks they might have a valid project to apply, or at least contact us to discuss the merits of their venture,” says Councillor Welch.


Applications forms can be obtained from Taupo District Council or and should be submitted before 29 May 2009.


The Creative Taupo website includes guidelines on preparing a funding proposal. The Council will also be holding a forum for arts people on Thursday 19 February at 5.15pm to learn more about the application process.


To register for the forum or for more information about the funding scheme, contact the Council’s Community Development Manager, Carole Parker, on 376 0805 or


The Creative Taupo AGM is being held on Wednesday 11 Feb, 7.30 pm at the Youth Arts Centre off Richmond Avenue. Anyone interested in the arts are encouraged to attend.