Touring Tutus Bring Spectacular Ballet to Dargaville

Wednesday 28 January 2009, 10:51AM

By Kaipara District Council



Dance fans are in for a treat when the Royal New Zealand Ballet brings its 2009 Tower Tutus on Tour to Dargaville on 17 March 2009.

Dargaville is one of only four Northland venues included in the tour and in addition to providing wonderful entertainment and spectacle the visit to Dargaville will help Hospice Kaipara which receives profits from the shows here.

In addition to the main show in the Town Hall at 7.30pm there will also be a special hour-long demonstration for children at 4pm where young fans can see the performers warming up and be able to pick up some ballet tips.

Past performances in Dargaville have proved very popular and the 2009 programme includes Christopher Hansen’s acclaimed work Saltarello as well as the work which ‘puts the tutu in the tour’ – Holberg Suite.

Former RNZB dancer Andrew Simons returns to make a new work entitled Through to You, and top Australian choreographer Garry Stewart joins the tour for the first time with his highly charged work Currently Under Investigation. Also, inspired by the music of Paul McCartney and John Lennon, RNZB dancers Catherine Eddy and Brendan Bradshaw bring their work, Koo Koo Ka Choo to the stage.

Since The Royal New Zealand Ballet began in 1953 by touring small towns throughout the country, bringing dance to the people of New Zealand has been an important focus. “Tower Tutus On Tour allows us a unique opportunity to bring home-grown dance to communities while at the same time celebrating the beginnings of our company”, says Gary Harris, RNZB’s Artistic Director.

Tickets for the 7.30pm performance will cost $36.00 for VIP seating and $25.00 for the remainder. Children pay $11.00. Tickets go on sale at the Noise Co in Victoria Street from mid February.

The 4pm children’s show costs a gold coin donation at the Town Hall door.

Kaipara’s Community Development Facilitator Heidi Dreyer is delighted that Dargaville is one of four Northland towns chosen to host Tower Tutus on Tour in 2009.

“It is a fantastic opportunity to see a top class performance and will be a highlight in a year that is shaping up as an exceptional one for entertainment enthusiasts.”

The high profile 2009 programme already includes a “Classic Concert” in August, hosted by Dargaville born international accordionist Kevin Friedrich and featuring the world famous Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes from Germany, plus singing star Yulia.