Negative Talk disappointing on the eve of Waitangi Day

Tariana Turia

Friday 6 February 2009, 7:24AM

By Tariana Turia


Co-leader of the Maori Party, Tariana Turia, is disappointed that United Future’s MP, Peter Dunne, has attempted to sour the spirit of optimism that many New Zealanders are attaching to Waitangi Day.


“The vast majority of New Zealanders celebrate the birth of our nation in amazing ways – in rich rituals which reflect their cultural pride and sense of belonging to this land”.

”Many of us also approach Waitangi Day in a spirit of reflection – assessing the health and status of the Treaty relationship” said Mrs Turia. “There will always be challenges and debate around this issue – and we must all be brave enough to know that where the relationship is imperfect, we should look for ways to strengthen the bond between us – to believe in the promise of our nationhood”.


“I am sad that Mr Dunne thought to issue a release which was dominated by negativity with use of terms such as ‘divisive and confrontational’; ‘half-hearted, politically correct, politically convenient”; and at the same time accused the National Party and the Maori Party of “sophistry” and “trying to save face” said Mrs Turia.


“I can’t think what would motivate Mr Dunne to suggest this nation is ‘timid’ or that we are “too scared and lacking in self-confidence to debate the relevance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a fact of our lives” said Mrs Turia.


“Our experience of New Zealanders confirms what the latest UMR research reported, that the majority believe the Treaty to be New Zealand’s founding document (73% of Maori respondents, and 59% of all)".

”This is a fantastic result, right on the eve of Waitangi Day, that indicates the level of understanding New Zealanders have that te kawanata – the sacred compact of the Waitangi agreement – unites us all”.


“Just as our ancestors regarded the Treaty with integrity and honour, we must all lift our sights to work towards the promise of a strong and unified nation” said Mrs Turia.


“In the relationship agreement we signed with National, we made the solemn commitment that we “will act in accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Treaty of Waitangi” said Mrs Turia.


“While the Treaty is not mentioned in the agreement with the United Future, it is obvious from Mr Dunne’s release today that he wants to be part of the work that National and the Maori Party have committed to, in considering constitutional issues” said Mrs Turia. “In the spirit of manaakitanga, I am sure that his intentions are honourable, and we look forward to healthy debate around an issue of such fundamental importance to our futures”.


“The constitutional foundation for this land is at the heart of our democracy” said Mrs Turia. “I am optimistic that we are moving to a time when all New Zealanders will live up to the Treaty promise of a respectful and honourable partnership”.


Contact : Derek Fox

Press Secretary to Tariana Turia

Telephone: 021-375-857