Government breaches its obligations over BlueChip Victims

Monday 9 February 2009, 3:40PM

By Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities



A very distrort Tauranga woman Margaret Rasmussen phoned coordinator of EUFA offices this morning following a call from her local MP Simon Bridges. Mr Bridges has been kept fully informed of the shocking circumstances that surround Mrs Harrison’s family due to the Bluechip scammers.


Mrs Rasmussen reported to EUFA that Mr Bridges had informed her that there was nothing the Government could do to stop her or her mother losing their homes.

Margaret Rasmussen 69 years, her husband and her Mother, 91 Year old Gwendoline Harrison are facing eviction from Challenger Mortgages Ltd a company who had an alliance with Bluechip associated Companies


Coordinator of EUFA Suzanne Edmonds said from Auckland today “When I spoke to Mrs Rasmussen she was uncontrollable on the phone. She said she was counting on Mr Bridges to help them.


Victims of BlueChip have no funds to take legal action against the various companies associated to their demise and are losing their homes as a result. Mrs Rasmussen, her elderly husband and Mrs Harrison will become dependant on the social welfare system at the tax payers’ expense while the Australian company takes all the family assets. The loans were made through agencies and the loans were obtained by the broker by fraudulent means.


Mrs Edmonds added; “Mrs Rasmussen said Mr Bridges had offered his sympathy to her plight but EUFA members do not want patronising sympathy”

Government protection is paramount over this scam or the true costs will fall back on taxpayer funded agencies.

Criminals are afforded at the generosity of tax payers funds, legal aid and the most elite legal representatives, yet decent honest New Zealanders are not being afforded their human rights of a fair hearing or rights to justice.


This breach of the bill of rights is a slur on the New Zealand Government and the Ministers and MP’s who have been given the mandate to protect its countrymen.


Margaret Rasmussen said from Tauranga this morning; “I will fight to my death to get justice and Simon can have it on his conscience that his promise to serve as our new MP he has already failed us”