Plenty for book buyers

Wednesday 11 February 2009, 12:48PM

By Manawatu District Council



GENEROUS “weeding” by staff at the Feilding Public Library ensures an earlier date for this year’s annual book sale and a wide selection of stock that should have all-round appeal for readers.

More than 3000 books will be available for the library’s 10th annual five-day sale beginning at 10am on Monday, February 16.

Library Manager, Simon Johnson, said most of the books were in good condition and he expected heavy demand for the more popular subjects such as cooking, landscaping, travel and fiction.

“There are lots of children’s books available as well and I think that’s important as this is an opportunity to get books into the home,” said Mr Johnson. “Kids aren’t aware of fashion and if you’ve got good books lying about they are always going to come in handy.”

He said with prices for children’s books at 50c or a $1, the sale provided an ideal way for families to build up a library in their kids’ bedrooms.

Mr Johnson said most of the books on offer had not been issued for the past year and with storage space filling rapidly it was a chance to raise funds for the purchase of new stock.

The sale will run from Monday to Friday during the library’s normal operating hours of 10am to 5.30pm and up to 7.30pm on Wednesday. Any books left over by Saturday will be free.

Mr Johnson said a large number of people visited the library during sale week and he anticipated another eager “first in, first served” rush of buyers on the first morning.

Other sale prices include $1 for fiction, $2 for non-fiction and $5 for good quality, coffee table-sized publications.

Last year’s sale in March yielded a record $5017.