Calling for Applications for Hauora Maori Scholarships 2009

Tariana Turia

Wednesday 25 February 2009, 8:41AM

By Tariana Turia


Associate Health Minister, Tariana Turia, has today announced that more than 500 scholarships are available to support and encourage Maori students taking up careers within the health sector.


“I hope that everyone will spread the word, to encourage Maori students who fit the criteria to go online, and submit their applications by 5pm Friday 10 April 2009 on


“There has never been a greater need to improve health outcomes for Maori than now” said Mrs Turia. “Having a competent Maori health workforce is essential, if we are to make a genuine difference in achieving better health outcomes for Maori”.


Hauora Maori scholarships are available to anyone who:

Is enrolled and attending a wananga, college of education, polytechnic or university;
Is studying a health related; NZQA-accredited course of at least 12 weeks long
Can demonstrate a commitment to and/or competence in Maori health and wellbeing studies
Has whakapapa and/or cultural links with te Ao Maori or Maori communities.

The scholarships are administered by the Ministry of Health and awarded to students pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies across the health portfolio, including nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, medicine, physiotherapy, health management and dentistry.


“There are also special grants included in the Hauora Maori scholarships which recognise students who have achieved outstanding success in areas of Maori health” said Mrs Turia.


The Te Apa Mareikura scholarships are awarded to people who are competent in community health; have strong connections with the community, proven leadership ability, effective community networks and academic performance contributing to future Maori health gains.


The John McLeod scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership qualities and commitment to Maori health.


"In addition to the uptake of Hauora Maori scholarships we hope students in their last year of study will also consider looking at the voluntary bonding scheme announced on Monday by Minister Ryall" ended Mrs Turia.


Contact: Derek Fox

Press Secretary

Hon Tariana Turia


DDI 04 817 9851

MOB 021 375 857