Announcing our Water Ambassadors Kids Club

Tuesday 10 March 2009, 10:52AM

By Waitaki District Council



Waitakere’s young people can lend their voice to the water conservation message by joining the new Waitakere Water Ambassadors Kids Club.

Believed to be the first of its kind in New Zealand, the club is aimed at environmentally-minded five to10 year-olds interested in preserving the precious water resource many of us take for granted.

“We all know children are the future of Waitakere and many already know about what a precious resource water is and are keen to use that knowledge to act more sustainably in their own lives and to encourage their families to follow suit,” says Councillor Linda Cooper.

“They’re turning off the tap when they brush their teeth and switching off lights and appliances when they leave the room. They’re a great example to the older generations.”
To become an ambassador, kids just need to register on the specially designed website,, which goes live on March 18. New members will receive a welcome pack full of information they need to encourage them, their family and peers to become more water-efficient.
The site will also feature club updates, information, activities and competitions as well as information on local events with a water focus that will be fun for all the family.

“Ambassadors will be encouraged to share their sustainability enthusiasm with their peers and parents. Children who care for and appreciate our natural resources are powerful advocates,” says Cr Cooper.

“Some of them might grow up to be city leaders one day and we need their help to ensure we live in a world that is able to sustain us.”