Foreshore and Seabed Review Promoted as strengthening Crown-Maori relationships

Tariana Turia

Thursday 12 March 2009, 10:12AM

By Tariana Turia


The Race Relations Commissioner statement today, that “The post-election agreement between the National Party and the Mäori Party holds a promise of strengthening Crown-Mäori relationships in the longer term, through a review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act and of constitutional arrangements” was good news to Maori Party Co-leader, Tariana Turia.

"It is really pleasing to see the recognition from Joris De Bres, that the review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act is a key step in promoting stronger relationships between the Crown and Maori" said Mrs Turia. "This was a specific direction various United Nations reports have called for over the last five years, recognising the vital importance of opening up dialogue in strengthening the relationship".

"Not so positive is the result that in 2008, only 30% of Maori surveyed and 40% of all respondents, thought that the Treaty relationship between the Crown and Maori is healthy" said Mrs Turia.

Tüi Tüi Tuituiä Race Relations in 2008 reports that 73% of Maori surveyed, and 59% of all, agreed that the Treaty is New Zealand's founding document.

"But clearly successive actions from the Crown - as set out in the report - have taken their toll" said Mrs Turia.

"We support the recommendation from the Race Relations Commission that the Government should engage with Maori and the wider community to promote greater recognition and realisation of indigenous rights, as set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" said Mrs Turia.

"There is a great deal of room for improvement" said Mrs Turia. "and we in the Maori Party, will be doing all we can to ensure that progress is made - and quickly".